Really excited to share that I will be returning to Yogahub in Dublin this coming Autumn!
I will be starting the weekend on Friday evening with a Vinyasa Masterclass, then I’ll be teaching a series of 3 workshops over Saturday and Sunday! Have a read about the Weekend Below:
Friday 6th September.
19:15 - 21:00: Vinyasa Masterclass
In this full-body extended vinyasa class, we take the time to work through the entire body
- approaching each posture as a way to come to a deeper understanding of yourself
Physically. Exploring the anatomy + biomechanics of postures as we move, you’ll gain
a deeper understanding and insight into postures in relation to your unique body and mind. We will breathe, we will move, we will twist, we will flex, we will extend, we may even float or fly...
This class will activate, stabilise and invigorate - as well as nurture, and allow time for
release with a sense of ease as the practice draws to a close.
Join us on the mat for a full body and mind experience.
Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of September
A Weekend of Movement Exploration (3 Workshops)
With more and more movement disciplines, breathing practices, and influences finding
their way into Yoga Studios, Shalas and Retreat centres around the world - the practice
of Yogaasana is ever changing and growing. Some classes feel more like aerobics,
others like calisthenics, others like physiotherapy, some spiritual, and some experimental
- but all with the common theme; movement!
To some, the prospect of modern influence and a revamping of the practice is warmly
welcomed. Yet, for others it has created confusion about what Yoga asana is, or should
be. It is a complex point of discussion - that I personally believe has no concrete answer.
It is my opinion that the choice of practice all comes down to the intention of the
practitioner. There is a practice out there for every individual - a practice that could
change daily based on the needs of the practitioner.
By embracing all of the multitudes of movement disciplines available, the individual can
better tailor a practice for their needs .
Then through experiencing and experimenting with
various approaches to movement practices, we are then able to make more informed
decisions about which practice will best serve at any given time.
The purpose of these three workshops is to explore movement through three different
lenses - allowing the attendees of the workshops to experience three varying practices,
allowing them to find what works for them, their body, their needs and their intention.
Saturday 7th September
Workshop 1: Express and Explore - The Power Of Playful Movement. (Saturday 12pm-2.30pm)
Through experimenting with various Yoga practices (Ashtanga, Iyengar, Hatha - to name a few) it is easy to see, that many of the lineages of Yogaasana express or outline a ‘right’
way of doing things - often with set sequencing, or set alignment cues for postures. For
some, having a consistent structure for their practice provides a vehicle for them to move
deeper into their own practice (I used to be an Ashtangi). However, for some - set
structure can eventually feel like a movement prison, constantly doing the same things
the same way, every single day. This constant repetition and daily overuse (of potentially
damaging postures) leaves very little room for experimentation and inquiry, and can leave
peoples bodies damaged, overstretched or injured. This workshop takes away the rule
book, and allows the attendees to delve into the world of movement and play. It provides
a chance to develop both strength and mobility whilst finding a path that feels suited to
the individual - whilst having fun!
The only form of bad posture, is the posture you’re always in - Join us on (or off) the mat,
for this fun, experiential workshop of playful movement.
Workshop 2: Control and Calibrate - The Mastery of Movement. (Saturday 3.30pm-6pm)
Despite yogasana traditionally being used as a tool to help practitioners sit more
comfortably to practice the other limbs of yoga, over the years it has become a melting
pot of both old and modern movement influences. Rightly or wrongly, many people
aspire to do postures that seem more like contortion or gymnastics. There is nothing
wrong with wishing to develop the ability to do these more complex movements or more
extreme postures - but (in my opinion) it is important to first know your why, questioning
how these postures or movements will serve your body, your aims, your sport, or your
lifestyle. Then secondly, to approach these more challenging displays of strength or
mobility with a deeper understanding of how to move there as safely as possible with
Taking tools and influence from Yogaasana, FRC (Functional Range Control - mobility)
and Calisthenics (bodyweight strength development) - this workshop gives insight into
key principles for developing both strength and mobility that can be applied to your daily
movement practices.
Sunday 8th September
Workshop 3: Redefine + Rediscover - The Subtleties of Somatics & Interoception (Sunday 12pm-2.30pm)
With so many distractions and stressors around us in every day life, distracted or
overwhelmed by all that is external, it can leave very little time to balance out and bring
focus to all that is internal. It can become easy to loose touch with how we feel - both
Physically or emotionally. This workshop aims to give you greater insight. We will explore
the importance of a balanced nervous system, and will explore both movement and
breath-work as a tool to develop both proprioception (our awareness of our body in
space) and our interoception (our awareness of how we feel internally).
Look forward to seeing you for this weekend of movement, self exploration, and self development.